Are you a Corporation Owner?
I’m not an accountant. But we do speak the same language. You need your team of professionals working towards your goals together. You want to work with someone committed to your success. You want investment strategies based on evidence, financial decisions made with data, personalized money coaching, educational resources to empower your financial literacy, unwavering support, and straightforward, transparent pricing.
Expert Money Management
You want an expert you can trust to manage your money correctly.
Constant Improvement
You want someone working to improve what you are doing now. The investment landscape, tax law, and best practices change rapidly. You need someone who can keep up.
Decisions Based On Evidence
You want decisions made on the evidence, not someone’s gut feeling.
Integrate My Personal Finances With the Corporation
You want to learn at your own pace while knowing you are making good decisions you won’t regret as your knowledge grows.
Ongoing Financial Planning
You want someone who will keep up with your life changes and will tell you when decisions need to be made.
Transparent Fee
You want a transparent fee. There are no backroom deals or motives other than getting you to your goals efficiently.
I'm Up For The Challenge
I love working with corporations.
I love the complexity it brings. With complexity comes planning opportunities, but it all comes down to looking far enough ahead and making choices. I’ll discuss corporate personal finance with someone all day long. I will happily have the “contribute to CPP vs. investing yourself” conversation for breakfast; I’ll discuss tax-efficient asset allocation between individual and corporation accounts for lunch, and for dinner, we can discuss salary vs. dividend and wash it all down with discourse around the potential for tax-efficient removal of assets on death.
I am an accomplished retirement planner, but since starting my journey in the corporate world, it’s almost like an entirely different industry. I hate that corporation owners are stuck with advisors who don’t know what they are doing. They miss out on even basic benefits like income deferral or investing properly inside the corporation, let alone the bigger items like Individual Pension Plans and well-constructed insurance policies.
I strongly encourage you to reach out if you don’t already work with someone specializing in corporation owners; you may be leaving thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, on the table.

Financial Planning for Corporation Owners.
What Does it Cost?
For most clients, we charge an annual fee based on the assets invested. This fee covers both our financial planning and investment management.
The first $500,000
The next $500,000
The next $1,000,000
Portfolio’s $2,000,000+
Contact Me
What’s in your way?
Like many hands-off investors, you like to keep things simple. However, you might not have the time or confidence to handle your own investments. After all, your finances have far-reaching consequences on your life, and very rarely do you get a second chance. Therefore, you need someone you can trust to look after your future.
You might be worried that you lack the time, discipline, confidence, or drive to choose and manage your investments.
You need a go-to person to take care of your money so you can focus on your family, your job, and enjoying life. This person should be dedicated to their craft, work well with your tax person and lawyer, and keep you in the loop.
You need to find a professional to help you set the path, keep you on track, and make big-money decisions.
You might be nervous that your “advisor” suggests things based on how much it pays them.
You need someone who looks out for you and your family’s best interests without any side motives. Your advisor should believe in making choices based on facts, be clear about costs, and suggest investments that give you the best chance at success.
Choose an advisor who puts you first, leading to the best results, value, and trust.
Worried you’re not on the right track?
You need a plan that sorts out, puts in order, and helps you hit your goals. This includes planning for retirement, financial independence, insurance, and growing and protecting wealth.
Get a clear plan to help you become financially independent and make smart choices now and in the future.
Scared of asking the wrong things?
You need someone you can trust to talk to you in a way that makes sense and has helped others like you. Your advisor should have resources to help you learn, talk in a way you get, and always be there to chat.
Find an advisor who talks with you, not at you, makes you feel okay asking anything, and helps you feel sure about your money choices.
You’re worried about trusting the wrong person.
Not everyone who offers financial advice is trustworthy or competent. Most bank employees are simply salespeople in suits. At the very minimum, look for someone who applies their own advice in their personal lives. Look at how they are compensated. Ensure they have the education. In such a muddy world of credentials, I recommend that people look for the Certified Financial Planner or CFP marks as a minimum.

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The financial world can be complex, especially when planning for your future. With so many...