Would you like to pay hourly for my time?


You are cautious, just like me; you would like to test me before transferring your life savings to a guy you’ve only just met. Or you are comfortable managing your own investments, emotions and biases, and you’d like to bounce your ideas off a professional. Or maybe you need a little help with something else. You want someone to go to who will always provide evidence-based, unbiased advice for a transparent cost.

Money Management is taken care of

Your portfolio is taken care of. You either do it on your own or you are happy with how its currently being managed.

Constant Improvement

Sometimes you simply don’t know what you don’t know. You want to cover your blind spots and make sure you are not missing something.

Decisions Based On Evidence

You value making high-quality decisions, and you want help making a decision based on the evidence.

Transparent Fixed Fee

You want a transparent fee. There are no backroom deals or motives other than getting you to your goals efficiently.

Improve your financial knowledge

Sometimes you just need that one piece of information for things to click. You’d like some help filling in the gaps.

You know where you need help

You have an issue that requires unbiased advice. Trying to decide between a few options. You can lean on me for expert, unbiased advice.

I Can Help

My mother-in-law lost her husband when my wife was eight years old. She received a life insurance check; she walked into the bank where she dealt and asked what she should do with it. That decision changed the trajectory of her life. It is not right that only those with larger amounts of money have access to someone like myself. While I am still picky about who I take on as full clients, I will always be available for someone to pay for my time to access high-quality advice.

Tre Bynoe coaching clients speaking in front of a crowd

Hourly Financial Advice.

What Does it Cost?


Per hour


Per Project 

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